Types of Biofield Tuning Sessions

Biofield Tuning

The heart and soul of Biofield Tuning this session lasts approximately 55 minutes. Working primarily in the subtle energy around the body. Calming and moving stagnant energy back into circulation. Great for babies to adults and helpful for our beloved dogs, cats and horses.

Adrenal Reset

Helping to reset the natural rhythm of your adrenal glands. This is similar to a BT session but focused on the adrenal glands. It is done in a series of three sessions done about a week apart.

(only for current clients that have had a minimum of three standard Biofield Tuning sessions)

Halo Activation

Activating a series of points along the head to active the pineal gland and better connect our perception of the world around us.

(only for current clients that have had a minimum of three standard Biofield Tuning sessions)



Using the power of sound and frequency to tune up an area of your life. Whether it is love, money or a new project it is possible to smooth the bumps out of the road for you to succeed where you may feel stuck.



Working around the body like the hands of a clock, energy is drawn into the area of the solar plexus. Working on both the front and back of the body it helps to quiet the mind and strengthen ones own inner voice.

(Current clients only)

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